Laser therapy and acupuncture are energetic treatment methods which complement each other well and are also utilized successfully in equine therapy today. This user's handbook intends to enable rapid and practical entry into this field. It orients itself to the most important indications which are known to Western understanding and introduces effective, directly implementable combination therapies with laser and acupuncture for them.
The treatments are based on the recommendations of Peter Rosin, a pioneer in holistic veterinary medicine. His therapy concepts are a combination of bioenergetic processes - which also includes laser therapy - and TCM methods. They form the foundation for a very efficient, synergistic and direct treatment approach which is illustrated in this book in a compact, reproducible form for the most important indications in equine therapy.
ISBN: 9783000191992
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Laser therapy and acupuncture are energetic treatment methods which complement each other well and are also utilized successfully in equine therapy today. This user's handbook intends to enable rapid and practical entry into this field. It orients itself to the most important indications which are known to Western understanding and introduces effective, directly implementable combination therapies with laser and acupuncture for them.
The treatments are based on the recommendations of Peter Rosin, a pioneer in holistic veterinary medicine. His therapy concepts are a combination of bioenergetic processes - which also includes laser therapy - and TCM methods. They form the foundation for a very efficient, synergistic and direct treatment approach which is illustrated in this book in a compact, reproducible form for the most important indications in equine therapy.
Akupunkturtafel Pferde 1+2. Carola Krokowski: Tafel 1: Funktionskreise und Wandlungsphasen. Tafel 2: Leitbahnen und Akupunkturpunkte. 2009, je 85 x 60 cm
Lasertherapie und Laserpunktur bei Hund und Katz. Anja Füchtenbusch / Peter Rosin: Therapiepläne. 2024, 8. überarbeitete Auflage. 168 Seiten, Spiralbindung