Innovative Laser Medicine and Laser Acupuncture - scientifically based and practically applied. Dr. Frank R. Bahr: Allergy to Toothache - My Recommended Therapy Based on 50 Years of Practice. Co-authors: Dr. Christian Greiner / Dr. Michael Weber: - With special part RAC palpation. 2023, ca. 135 pages
Foreword The innovative field of laser medicine and laser acupuncture has made significant advancements in the past 7 years. The old laser book from 2015, in which I was a co-editor, is no longer up-to-date. The important new developments, therapy experiences, and research in this highly effective laser medicine should be made available to everyone. That was my motivation and also my duty to pick up the pen and substantially update the existing book, as there are now new and improved laser techniques and devices available. Within the research, important frequencies have been discovered, and the innovative therapies are impressive. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the contributions of my co-authors, Ch. Greiner and M. Weber. I wish you much enjoyment in reading and in successfully applying laser therapy! Frank R. Bahr Munich, Nov. 2023
A medicine without matter in the conventional sense? Only with laser light, i.e. without the side effects of drugs - what an excellent expansion of medical possibilities! In addition, the highly effective laser acupuncture is completely painless and is therefore preferred by many patients over conventional acupuncture with needles.
The scientific basis of laser acupuncture, laser stimulation therapy of areas and other innovative laser applications especially the stimulation of stem cells for regeneration and stimulation of self-healing as well as all information for practical application are presented in this standard work in the text and by numerous informative photos and illustrations.
In the book you will find clearly presented: - Introduction to the basics. - Practice of Modern Laser Medicine and Laser Acupuncture by Dr. med. Frank Bahr, Professor at the Swiss University for Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM Honorary Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, Senior Professor at the largest TCM University in China in Nanjing. Dr. med. Dr. TCM M. Weber Dr. med. Dr.TCM Ch. Greiner - You will learn everything about successful practical application structured according to different disease patterns. - I mpressive in words and pictures you will learn which therapy method unfolds its optimal effect, gently and quickly. - The section on special frequencies and equipment provides information on the current state of technical development.
ISBN: 9783982059013 (978-3-982-05901-3)
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With special part RAC palpation!
Foreword The innovative field of laser medicine and laser acupuncture has made significant advancements in the past 7 years. The old laser book from 2015, in which I was a co-editor, is no longer up-to-date. The important new developments, therapy experiences, and research in this highly effective laser medicine should be made available to everyone. That was my motivation and also my duty to pick up the pen and substantially update the existing book, as there are now new and improved laser techniques and devices available. Within the research, important frequencies have been discovered, and the innovative therapies are impressive. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for the contributions of my co-authors, Ch. Greiner and M. Weber. I wish you much enjoyment in reading and in successfully applying laser therapy! Frank R. Bahr Munich, Nov. 2023
A medicine without matter in the conventional sense? Only with laser light, i.e. without the side effects of drugs - what an excellent expansion of medical possibilities! In addition, the highly effective laser acupuncture is completely painless and is therefore preferred by many patients over conventional acupuncture with needles.
The scientific basis of laser acupuncture, laser stimulation therapy of areas and other innovative laser applications especially the stimulation of stem cells for regeneration and stimulation of self-healing as well as all information for practical application are presented in this standard work in the text and by numerous informative photos and illustrations.
In the book you will find clearly presented: - Introduction to the basics. - Practice of Modern Laser Medicine and Laser Acupuncture by Dr. med. Frank Bahr, Professor at the Swiss University for Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM Honorary Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, Senior Professor at the largest TCM University in China in Nanjing. Dr. med. Dr. TCM M. Weber Dr. med. Dr.TCM Ch. Greiner - You will learn everything about successful practical application structured according to different disease patterns. - I mpressive in words and pictures you will learn which therapy method unfolds its optimal effect, gently and quickly. - The section on special frequencies and equipment provides information on the current state of technical development.
Innovative Lasermedizin und Laserakupunktur. Dr. Frank R. Bahr / Dr. Christian Greiner / Dr. Michael Weber: Wissenschaftlich fundiert und praktisch angewendet. Aus 50 Jahren Praxiserfahrung. 2023, 2. Auflage, 133 Seiten, Hardcover
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LightStream® Lasersystem LIGHT nach Dr.
Bahr von R&J. Therapielaser der Klasse 4 mit
bis zu 15 W Laserleistung. Incl. 2 Brillen,
Netzteil, Laserwarnschild. (ohne Basisstation)
Australische Buschblüten. Uralte Heilkräfte
für den Menschen von heute. Bahr /
Wesemann: Mit Abbildung der entsp. Blüten
am Ohr. 2014, 2. Auflage, Hardcover
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am Ohr. 2013, 169 Seiten, Hardcover
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Tung - mit den besten Punktkombinationen.
Sandi Suwanda / Frank R. Bahr: 2020/2023,
V 1.2, 104 Seiten, Hardcover.
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Das große Buch der chinesischen Energetik von Dr. Bahr - 2021. F. Bahr / L. Dorfer / F. Jost / B. Ramme / M. Reininger / R. Sa / S. Suwanda: 2021, ca. 150 Seiten, Hardcover
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Tung - mit den besten Punktkombinationen.
Sandi Suwanda / Frank R. Bahr: 2020/2023,
V 1.2, 104 Seiten, Hardcover.
Die Neue Ohrakupunktur - Alle Techniken von Dr. Bahr. Buch über die Praxis von Allergie bis Zittern. 2023, 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage Version 1.1, 175 Seiten, Hardcover.