Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, and psychology have shown great potential to advance the field of mental health, as weil as healthcare in general. Presented in this book, are the main aspects of how to treat PTSD and trauma of the soul, as edited and translated from the German text, Psychische Verletzungen - Seefische Traumen: wer wirklich unser Leben mit positivem und negativem Qi lenkt, by Drs. med. Frank Bahr and Christiane Wesemann. These methods have relevance beyond the intended audience of Auricular Medicine practitioners, and should spark interest from healthcare and wellness professionals across a broad range of integrative practices - especially those who are challenged by the complexity and therapy resistance of chronic trauma, PTSD.
This book is relevant for anyone interested in the emotional health of an increasingly traumatized society, and the effects !hat emotions have on our nervous system as reflected by the auricular reflex system mapped somatotopically onto our ears. The methods presented relate to the idea !hat energetic information (frequencies) can provide otherwise hidden assessment and treatment possibilities through resonance. Resonance affects us all, it is what brings us feelings of harmony when listening to music, or hurtful discord through the negativity projected by others who are unwell. In Auricular Medicine, the ears are known as a window to the brain. And with this book, the Governor Vessel (a meridian along the spine and cortex) will be known as the window into the timeline of trauma - generational trauma, trauma experienced from birth to present day, and anticipated trauma based on constitutional weaknesses.
ISBN: 9798989061709 (979-8-9890617-0-9)
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Integrative methods in Auricular Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, and psychology have shown great potential to advance the field of mental health, as weil as healthcare in general. Presented in this book, are the main aspects of how to treat PTSD and trauma of the soul, as edited and translated from the German text, Psychische Verletzungen - Seefische Traumen: wer wirklich unser Leben mit positivem und negativem Qi lenkt, by Drs. med. Frank Bahr and Christiane Wesemann. These methods have relevance beyond the intended audience of Auricular Medicine practitioners, and should spark interest from healthcare and wellness professionals across a broad range of integrative practices - especially those who are challenged by the complexity and therapy resistance of chronic trauma, PTSD.
This book is relevant for anyone interested in the emotional health of an increasingly traumatized society, and the effects !hat emotions have on our nervous system as reflected by the auricular reflex system mapped somatotopically onto our ears. The methods presented relate to the idea !hat energetic information (frequencies) can provide otherwise hidden assessment and treatment possibilities through resonance. Resonance affects us all, it is what brings us feelings of harmony when listening to music, or hurtful discord through the negativity projected by others who are unwell. In Auricular Medicine, the ears are known as a window to the brain. And with this book, the Governor Vessel (a meridian along the spine and cortex) will be known as the window into the timeline of trauma - generational trauma, trauma experienced from birth to present day, and anticipated trauma based on constitutional weaknesses.
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